Mahmoud Shoolizadeh
Film Director and Producer
Awards and Nominees for "SUSAN":
34- Award Winner of the Best Feature Film (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh)
at the "Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes", Cannes, France, November 2019
33- Award Winner of the Best Lead Actress (Jennifer Preston) at the "Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes", Cannes, France, November 2019
32- Award Winner of the Best Lead Actress (Jennifer Preston) at the "Great Lakes State International Film Festival", Bay City, Michigan, USA, August 2019
31- Nominee for the Best Feature Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Motion Picture International Film Festival", Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, August 2019
30- "Finalist" at the "Overcome International Film Festival", Anaheim, California, USA, October 2019
29- "Semi-Finalist" at the "Capital Filmmakers Festival Madrid", Madrid, Spain, September 2019
28- "Semi-Finalist" at the "Social World International Film Festival", Napoli, Italy, July-August 2019
27- "Semi-Finalist" at the "Borodino Film Festival", New York, USA, Agust 2019
26- Nominee for the Best Drama Feature Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Genre Celebretion International Film Festival", Tokyo, Japan, June 2019
25- Nominee for the Best Actress Award (Jennifer Preston) at the "Genre Celebration International Film Festival", Tokyo, Japan, June 2019
24- Nominee for the Best Feature Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Hong Kong Art Film International Film Festival", Hong Kong, June 2019
23- Nominee for the Best Lead Actress Award (Jennifer Preston) at the "Hong Kong Art Film International Film Festival", Hong Kong, June 2019
22- Award Winner of the Best Director (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Eurasian Creative Guild Film Festival", London, United Kingdom, June 2019
21- Award Winner of the Best Feature Film (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Under The Stars International Film Festival", Fellini Edition, Beri, Italy, 2019
20- Award Winner of the Best UK Narrative-Feature film (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "London International Motion Picture Awards", London, United Kingdom, May 2019
19- Nominee for the Best Drama Feature Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Independent Film Awards-London", London, United Kingdom, April 2019.
18- Award Winner of the Best Feature Film (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Missouri, USA, 2019.
17- Award Winner of the Best Cinematographer (Jesse Mickle) at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Missouri, USA, 2019.
16- Award Winner of the Best Lead Actor (Mitchell Thornton) at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Misouri, USA, 2019.
15- Award Winner of the Best Lead Actress (Jennifer Preston) at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Missouri, USA, 2019.
14- Award Winner of the Best Supporting Actor (Christopher Mulvin) at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Missouri, USA, 2019.
13- Award Winner of the Best International Feature Film (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Olympus International Film Festival - Los Angeles", California, USA, July 2019
12- Nominee for the Best Young Actress Award (Holly Lawton) at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Missourie, USA, April 2019
11- "Semi-Finalist" at the "Utah International Film Festival", Vineyard, Utah, USA, April 2019
10- Nominee for the Best Narrativa Full Length Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Independent Talents International Film Festival", Blooming, Indiana, USA, February 2019
9- Nominee for the Best Feature Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the “5th Erie International Film Festival", Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, December 2018
8- "Finalist" at the "Los Angeles CineFest - International Film Festival", Santa Monica, CA, USA, December 2018
7- Award for the Best Editing Feature Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the
"Five Continents International Film Festival", Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, November 2018
6- Award of Special Mention Director (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the
"Five Continents International Film Festival", Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, November 2018
5- Award for the Best Drama Feature Film (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the
"Five Continents International Film Festival", Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, November 2018
4- Award for the Best Actress (Jennifer Preston) at the "Top Indie Film Awards”, LA, California, USA, October 2018
3- Nominee for the Best Cinematographer Award (Jesse Mickle) at the "Top Indie Film Awards”, LA, California, USA, October 2018
2- Nominee for the Best Music Composer Award (George Palousis) at the "Top Indie Film Awards”, LA, California, USA, October 2018
1- Nominee for the Best Feature Film Award (Mahmoud Shoolizadeh) at the "Top Indie Film Awards”, LA, California, USA, October 2018
Film Festivals Participation for "SUSAN":
36- "Official Selection", at the "Waco Family & Faith International Film Festival", Waco, Texas, USA, February 2020
35- "Official Selection", at the "Mediterranean Film Festival Cannes", Cannes, France, November 2019
34- "Official Selection", at the "Lifft India Filmotsav World Cinefest", Malavli Pune, India, December 2019
33- "Official Selection" at the "New York City International Films Infest Festival (US) (NYCIFIF), New York, USA, October 2019
32- "Official Selection" at the "Overcome International Film Festival", Anaheim, California, USA, October 2019
31- "Official Selection" at the "Rieti & Sabina Film Festival", Rieti, Italy, November 2019
30- "Official Selection" at the "New Harvest Film Festival", Moscow, Rassia, August 2019
29- "Official Selection" at the "Motion Picture International Film Festival", Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, August 2019
28- "Official Selection" at the "Great Lakes State Film Festival", Bay City, Michigan, USA, August 2019
27- "Official Selection" at the "Film Festival Angaelica", Los Angeles, California, USA, July 2019
26- "Official Selection" at the "Genre Celeberation International Film Festival", Tokyo, Japan, June 2019
25- "Official Selection" at the "Hong Kong Film Art International Film Festival", Hong Kong, July 2019
24- "Official Selection" at the "Golden Hollywood International Film Festival", Los Angeles, California, USA, June 2019
23- "Official Selection" at the "Tarpon Art International Film Festival", Tarpon, Florida, USA, June 2019
22- "Official Selection" at the "Under The Stars International Film Festival", Bari, Italy, 2019
21- "Official Selection" at the "Eurasian Creative Guild Film Festival", Romford, London, United Kingdom, June 2019
20- "Official Selection" at the "London International Motion Picture Awards", London, United Kingdom, May 2019
19- "Official Selection" at the "Festpro International Film Festival", Moscow, Russia, May 2019
18- "Official Selection" at the "14th Hoboken International Film Festival", Greenwood Lake, New York, USA, May 2019
17- "Official Selection" at the "Independent Film Awards- London", London, United Kingdom, April 2019
16- "Official Selection" at the "Olympus International Film Festival - Los Angeles", California, USA, July 2019
15- "Official Selection" at the "Sands International Film Festival", Jacksonville, Florida, USA, April 2019
14- "Official Selection" at the "One Race Human Race Film Festival", Indiana, Indianapolis, USA, March 2019
13- "Official Selection" at the " SENSUS International Film Festival", St. Petersburg, Russa, March 2019
12- "Official Selection" at the "Independent Talents International Film Festival", Bloomington, Indiana, USA, February 2019
11- "Official Selection" at the "Branson International Film Festival", Branson, Missouri, USA, April 2019
10- "Official Selection" at the "Beirut International Women Film Festival", Beirut, Lebanon, March 2019
9- "Official Selection" at the "International Innovation Film Festival", Bern, Switzerland, February 2019
8- "Official Selection" at the "iVision International Film Series", Tampa, Florida, USA, February 2019
7- "Official Selection" at the "Caribbean Sea International Film Festival", Margarita, Nueva Esparta, Venezuela, January 2019
6- "Official Selection" at the "International Film Festival Catharsis", Moscow, Rassian, December 2018
5- "Official Selection" at the “5th Erie International Film Festival", Erie, Pennsylvania, USA, December 2018
4- "Official Selection" at the "Five Continents International Film Festival", Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela, November 2018
3- "Official Selection" at the "Top Indie Film Awards”, LA, California, USA, October 2018
2- "Official Selection" at the "Rome independent Prisma Awards", Rome, Italy, October 2018
1- "Official Selection" at the "Cardiff International Film Festival”, Cardiff, England, UK, October 2018
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